Volunteer With Us
Do you have a special skill? Share your talents with Girls Inc. girls.

Our Volunteers
Do you know how to can garden produce? Change a tire? Perform reflexology? Knit? Scrapbook? Organize a closet? Tap dance? Do a handstand? Repair drywall? Apply for a patent? File taxes? Skateboard? Bait a fish hook? Apply makeup for prom? Apply makeup for a job interview? Invest in the stock market? Make a mean lasagna? Repair a flat bike tire? Perform CPR? Dry herbs? Braid Black hair? Audition for a play? Speak in public? Interview a politician?
Are you a photographer? Do you coach a sport? Do you know how to make movies? Are you a TikTok expert?
Would you enjoy helping out in the homework room or serving a daily meal?
We have a place for your talents.
For more information e-mail iheard@girlsincomaha.org