Helpful resources for talking to your kids.

Responding to Trauma
Helping youth respond to trauma & toxic stress.
Sometimes we might not even realize what we’re seeing in a young person is related to trauma. Here is some guidance that will help you recognize it and shape how you respond.
Tip sheets & guidance to help girls thrive.
We encourage you to refer to the various resources available below from our national organization when supporting girls and young people in their everyday lives. Visit Our National Resources Hub
Please note: It is the policy of Girls Inc. to only link to resources developed by our trusted partners or otherwise vetted by our staff. No unsolicited links will be posted unless it is to a resource that has an existing relationship or partnership with Girls Inc. and receives the approval of our program staff.
Learn to Live
Learn to Live is a confidential service that includes online assessments, self-paced digital programs, and optional mental health coaches – provided at no additional cost to Girls Inc. girls ages 13 and older!
Stop Sexual Assault in Schools Video
‘Sexual Harassment: Not in Our School’ is an innovative video for K-12 parents, middle and high school students, schools, and community organizations. It’s about gender equality in education, students’ protections under Title IX, and much more.
How Women Can Support Girls
Women aren’t the only ones facing harassment. 7 in 10 girls are sexually harassed in high school. Here are 5 ways for adults to support young people.
Tips for Parents/Guardians To Support Youth After a Tragedy
Parents and other caring adults play an essential role in helping young people cope with tragedy. Here are tips that can help in supporting children and teens after a tragedy or scary news.
10 things you can do to encourage a girl in STEM
Parents, guardians, and other caring adults can be an incredible resource when encouraging girls to pursue study or a career in STEM.
Tips for being an effective mentor
A mentor is a caring, responsible adult or peer who provides access to people, places, and things outside the mentee’s routine environment.
Tips to support girls’ rights through talking and listening
Each of us can help girls realize their rights and abilities so they can grow up strong, smart and bold.
Ways for adults to help girls achieve their rights
Girls have told us they recognize outmoded gender stereotypes that limit their rights and they are ready for change.
Tips for answering your child’s questions about sexuality
She’s asked you a question about sexuality. Now, what do you say? Here are a few tips to help out.
Tips for raising financially savvy girls
Decide together how much to spend right away and how much to save for later. Set short- and long-term saving goals.
Tips for talking to teens about healthy relationships
Think about your own values, feelings, and expectations of relationships first and then share what works with the teen in your life.
Signs of relationship violence for parents
It’s important to talk with girls about the difference between healthy and unhealthy
relationships and their right to be respected and safe.