The Girls We Serve
Where Girls Grow Into Confident Women
We serve girls ages 5 through 18 in our two centers, the Katherine Fletcher Center in North Omaha and the Emma Lozier Center in South Omaha.
The majority of the girls we serve are Black and Brown girls and many of them come from homes with low household income. Many of the girls come from single parent homes, living with either mom or dad, and others go back and forth between mom and dad. Some of the girls are in the foster care system and others are being raised by a grandma or auntie.
For our alums, we also serve young women ages 19 through 28 as they work through college, trade schools, or other post-secondary training. We provide scholarships and mentoring. In our transitional housing program, Protégé House, we serve young women as they transition to independent adulthood, many of them transitioning from foster care, sex trafficking, or domestic violence.
For the answer to the question “Who is a girl?” from the Girls Inc. perspective, click here to read the Girls Inc. National Position Statement on Gender Identity.