Help Our Girls Have Real-world Experiences


Girls experience and explore the world of STEM while gaining valuable life and career skills.

During years three and four of the five-year Eureka! STEM program, girls in 10th and 11th grades are provided with the opportunity to explore careers at businesses and organizations within the Omaha area, allowing girls opportunities to gain valuable life skills. Each girl is individually interviewed for externships and placed in a field where she shows interest. Girls are placed in areas they are considering for a future career.

As Eureka! has a strong STEM focus, many in our program ask to extern in the fields of medicine, engineering, and technology. The majority of our externs will be first generation college students from single parent or non-traditional homes. In addition to life skills, externships provide our girls with a competitive edge when they apply to colleges. Eureka! participants look forward to summer externships to acquire real-world, hands-on experience.

To enable our young women to gain these valuable experiences and skills, we are seeking strong community partnerships with businesses and organizations in the Omaha area able to provide:

  • 16 hours per week (over 4 weeks) of hands-on experience during the summer months
  • Adult(s) employee(s) willing to mentor the girls with daily hands-on work and observation of tasks
  • Feedback and contact with the Eureka! Project Coordinator
  • A sponsorship donation of $500 paid to the girl at the end of her externship (requested if possible but not mandatory)

If you are interested in hosting an extern at your place of work or would like more information, contact